Full paper (March 10, 2025) OPEN
Full papers are scientific papers, vision papers or review papers related to methodologies and/or applications. Full Paper structure includes title, names, affiliations, locations (city, state, and country), ORCID numbers of all authors, abstract (up to 150 words), and 3-4 keywords; body of text: introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusions, acknowledgements (optional), and references.
The maximum length of a paper submission is five (5) A4 camera-ready pages (including everything mentioned above), and should strictly follow the formatting rules of the provided IOS Press template.
All submitted papers will be subject to a peer-review process by three independent reviewers. Accepted full papers will be included in the ICIMTH 2025 Proceedings, published by IOS Press as Open Access e-book and submitted for evaluation for possible indexing in Medline / PubMed, Scopus, and elsewhere as mentioned by IOS Press. Presenters of accepted full papers are allocated 15 minutes, discussion included. Conference registration is mandatory for at least one co-author/presenter of the Full Paper. Each registered presenter may present up to 3 Full Papers/Short Papers (additional fees will be applied for multiple presentations), which have been authored by the presenter.