Panel Proposals (March 10, 2025) OPEN
A panel is a moderated discussion of an important theme by domain experts (panelists). The discussion of each controversial item starts with short statements by the panelists.
A panel involves 3-5 panelists, and the duration of a panel is 60 minutes. The authors should prepare their proposal that includes: title, names, affiliations, locations (city, state, and country) of all authors, abstract (up to 100 words), and 3-5 keywords; body of text should include: an introduction of the topic and a description of the focus for each panelist.
A panel proposal length should be at least two (2) A4 pages, prepared according to the provided IOS Press template. Panel proposals are subject to review by members of the Scientific Program Committee. All accepted panel proposals will be available on the ICIMTH 2025 Conference CD-ROM. Registration of the involved panelists is mandatory for final acceptance and publication of the panel.