Poster Proposals (March 10, 2025) OPEN
A poster is a scientific contribution related to methodologies and/or applications, which is better presented graphically than verbally. The authors should prepare their proposal that includes: title, names, affiliations, locations (city, state, and country) of all authors, abstract (up to 100 words), and 2-3 keywords; body of text: introduction, methods, results, discussion, and references.
The maximum length is two (2) A4 pages, prepared according to IOS Press template. All poster proposals are subject to peer-review. Accepted posters will be included in the ICIMTH 2025 Conference CD-ROM. A poster should be prepared as in A1 or A0 format, and be presented in the scheduled poster sessions at ICIMTH 2025. Conference registration is mandatory for at least one co-author/presenter of the Poster.